Our Philosophy on Custom Work
Providing a beautiful product is central for Gilbert Creek Woodworks. This involves not only creating beautiful designs, but it also means that we aspire to bring out the maximum natural beauty of each individual piece of wood used through selection and finishing.
We also seek to significantly enhance people’s lives in everything we do. This belief extends beyond just our customers to include everyone who has any kind of a stake in the business.
Exceptional communication with our customers is a cornerstone for our business. Communication is essential for any custom product to ensure the product is exactly what the customer needs and wants.
Outstanding design is one of the things that we strive to focus on as a company. As a producer of a completely custom product, we need to ensure that our designs are top of the line. Design and communication with our client go hand in hand.
A quality method of manufacture is central to our company mindset. We believe in doing things right the first time, and we strive to build a product that will last for generations and still be beautiful over a hundred years later.